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Material Selection for Process Engineers

Who says that it should remain just the specialty of material specialists to select the best material for equipment? We made it much easier for you. You as process engineer or mechanical engineer don’t need to follow the old-fashioned and tedious way to choose a suitable material for a specific application.

How it works? Instead of selecting material purely based on operating and design condition, we shifted the basis of material selection to fluid types plus EIEPD Team experience which resulted in EIEPD Material Selection Criteria, which shapes not only your career but your understanding of process engineering as well. Yes, that is a rule; the more you improve your knowledge in process engineering the more you understand materials, which help you better understand process engineering!

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Material Selection for Process Engineers

Who should take this course?

1. Process engineers

2. Material engineers

3. Mechanical engineers

4. QC engineers

Who should take this course?

1. Process engineers

2. Material engineers

3. Mechanical engineers

4. QC engineers

General Guideline for Material Selection

Session 1: Material selection criteria

In this session, the instructor provides learners with solid and time-proven approach towards material selection for different applications. He starts the session with some general criteria about which every process engineer should know. Then he provides the learners with tables specifically for each application. In the table it is exactly specified which material should be selected for vessels to heat exchanger.  Moreover, the material selection criteria for valves for different applications are stated.

Session 2: Examples

In order to help learners better understand the above criteria, he provides ample examples for different equipment and different applications.

In first example you are taught how to use EIEPD Approach to easily select a suitable material for hydro-desulfurization unit including a knock-out drum, piping, heat exchanger and desulfurization reactors.

In second example, you are taught how to use EIEPD Approach for caustic services. In this regard, the speaker shows how the material for caustic storage vessel in a polishing unit could easily be determined.

In third example the instructor shows how suitable material for control valve bodies for 10 services could be easily selected.

Finally, the speaker asks the participants to do two homework one material selection for the whole distillation column loop and the other one being material selection for control valve body for three applications.

Review of Materials and Corrosions

Session 3: Review of corrosions types

In this session different types of corrosion, how they occur, and where each one in process equipment takes place. The following types of corrosion will be discussed:

1. Uniform attack

2. Stress corrosion

3. Crevice corrosion

4. Pitting corrosion

5. Erosion corrosion

6. Galvanic corrosion

7. Intergranular corrosion

Session 4: Carbon and low-alloy steels

Session 5: Hydrogen attack and Nelson curve

The presenter starts the session with the problems caused by gases containing hydrogen for different conditions; to overcome such problems, he introduces the “Nelson Curves” and shows in two examples how such Nelson Curve could be used to determine the best material for shell and tube heat exchangers for hydrogen applications.

Session 4: Aluminum and aluminum alloys

Session 5: Copper and copper alloys

The following materials will be discussed and compared:

– Red brass

– Admiralty brass

– Naval brass

– Muntz metal

– Aluminum brass and Aluminum bronzes

– Cupro-nickels

Session 6: Stainless steels

The following materials will be discussed and compared:

– Austenitic group

– Ferritic group

– Martensitic group

– Duplex group

Session 7: Nickel and high-nickel alloys

The following materials will be discussed and compared:

– Alloy 200 and Alloy 201

– Monel 400

– Inconel 600

– Inconel 625

– Incoloys 800 and 800H

– Incoloys 825

– Hastelloys

Material selection for process plants

Session 8 and 9: Hydrogen, ammonia and methanol plants

In this session, he at first provides a comprehensive instruction on PFD and processes of hydrogen, ammonia and methanol plants. Afterwards, he explains each unit with material selection perspective.

He goes deep into each unit and specifies the material for different equipment in those units based on material-process approach. The units which will be discussed are hydro-desulfurization, reforming units, distillation columns,

Session 10: Cooling water unit

The process of cooling water is explained thoroughly and typical materials for the following parts are suggested:

– Fan stacks

– Fans

– Drift eliminator

– Water distribution system

– Fillings

– Piping

– Pumps

– Chemical storage tanks

Session 11: Polishing unit

The process of cooling water is explained thoroughly and typical materials for the following parts are suggested:

– Piping

– Cartridge filters

– Heat exchangers

– Pumps

– Tanks

– Ion exchange reactors

Session 12: Storage tanks unit

Session 13: Summary and Notes

NACE for process engineers

Session 14: Overview of NACE

In this session he introduces each chapter of NACE and shows them which chapter contains which information and how process engineers could extract those information or simply manage the knowledge presented in NACE.

Session 15: Chapter 9 of NACE; Process and oil industries corrosion

In this chapter, at first, he goes through the chapter and shows learners what kind of valuable information could be taken out from the chapter. Then he starts focusing on material charts and graphs for different services such as caustic soda and sulfuric acid. In order to help learners better understand the charts, he gives real-case examples in which he shows how these graphs could be used in both design and operation stages. Finally, he moves to predominant corrosion types in various segments of the oil and gas industry.

Our Mistakes

Session 16: Our mistake in control valve material selection

In this session, he gives his experience in selection of control valve body material for flashing services.

Session 17: Our mistake in piping material selection

In this session, he talks about wrong material selection of mixing point in caustic soda and sulfuric acid packages.

Session 18: Our mistake in vessel and tanks material selection

In this session, the instructor reveals his experience with wrong material selection for a storage drum in cooling water.

1. Are you familiar with materials selected for a ammonia or hydrogen plants?

2. Do you know how to select materials for control valves bodies for different applications?

3. Do you know how to select materials for different components of cooling water unit, steam system or polishing units?

4. Are you looking for an approach to get on top of steel, nickel, copper families easily?

5. How much do you know about NACE and do you know how to use it as process engineer?

6. Would you like to learn from common mistakes in real projects and see how it can impact process design and piping layout?


Be honest with yourself and for each question give yourself a score out of 10. If the sum is less than 30, then take the course; if the score is between 30 to 50, consult with us. If it is more than 50, we think you don’t need to take it.

1.The Material Selection for Process Engineers course will be available in both online and offline modes to enthusiasts. By online mode, the enthusiasts can participate in online classes while by offline mode, the enthusiast can only watch offline videos after purchasing the package.

2.Notice that the enthusiasts who choose online mode will also receive offline package so that they can review what they have learned in online classes.

3.It is obvious that in both modes, the whole package including videos, documents, excelsheets will be provided.

The Material Selection for Process Engineers will be introduced to engineering community in only one time-set. For each group maximum 25 registrations are allowed, aiming to keep the quality high.

Group A

Wednsdays at 20.15-22.45 Tehran Time from 14 February onwards. The class will end on 13 March 2024.

Duration: 12 hr.

We hope the selected time-set suits you most.

We make you proud.

Switch Content B