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Enjoy our systematic approach!

Our approach towards design of both  trayed and packed column is so systematic that you can not only learn but also master both design in 4 hours!

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As process engineer you also need to know about the SIL!

Watch two sequential comprehensive videos to see how process engineers who have expertise in process safety, specially SIL Studies, conduct stages of SIL study and make their design safer and more reliable.

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The first thing that you should learn when you start your career in process engineering

In this category we have uploaded three comprehensive videos which starts with line sizing. In the video the criteria for line sizing and the way, it is performed is shown thoroughly. Then the second video deals with design pressure and temperature for different application. In last video process-instrument design notes are stated.

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Who should watch these series?

If you are working in an engineering company and don’t know anything about control valves but you are supposed to complete a valve datasheet in a week, consider it done overnight! Throughout the series we go through each parameter which is required to be determined in a datasheet.

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