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Separation and Mixing Process Simulation in Aspen Plus

Watch the video to see how selection of property method could substantially impacts seperation and mixing process
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Separation and Mixing Process Simulation in Aspen Plus

Watch the video to see how selection of property method could substantially impacts seperation and mixing process
5/5 - (1 vote)

Last updated



1. Basic understanding of process engineering
2. Aspen Plus Software installed on your computer
3. Have a Computer
4. Have a Desire

In this part, at first, the trainer defines the problem and starts defining components. After selection of NRTL as property method, he runs the software and dedicates time for interpretation of binary parameters such as how they are chosen and where they come from-source. Subsequently, he switches to simulation environment to create the flowsheet based on the PFD on the reference. After providing the software with required information for streams and blocks, he runs the software for three property methods suggested by Method Assistant and compares their results.

In this part he plays with the home ribbon elements and shows how and for what purposes they could be used. Furthermore, he shows how property set could be changed or new one created. Subsequently, he shows how new property could be reported on result summary.

In this part he continues completing the flowsheet based on the PFD, and in the meantime talks about different types of separator models in Aspen Plus and which one is suitable for this process. He then provides the required information and runs the software and interprets the results.

Due to the fact that the spec has not been satisfied he defines a new Design Spec to find the exact flowrate of MIBK so that the water mass fraction spec on the liquid stream is fulfilled. Finally, he changes the property method to NRTL and reruns the software. He shows how the flowrate of MIBK based on NRTL is different from the flowrate of MIBK based on UNIFAC and places emphasis on right selection of property method for a specific process.

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