Process Units and Equipment Start-up

Gaining good insight towards start-up of not only equipment but also process units would be a great advantage to your process design knowledge since most parts of process design criteria are written and prepared in a way to accommodate the worst-case scenarios, which mostly occur during start-ups.


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Process Units and Equipment Start-up

Who should take the course?

1. Process engineers

2. Control room operators

3. Chemical engineers

4. Instrument and control system engineers

5. Mechanical engineers

Who should take the course?

1. Process engineers

2. Control room operators

3. Chemical engineers

4. Instrument and control system engineers

5. Mechanical engineers

Equipment Start-up

Session 1: Typical pumps start-up

Session 2: Motor-centrifugal compressor start-up

Session 3: Turbine start-up

Session 4: Large turbine start-up

Session 5: Turbine-driven compressor start-up

Session 6: Turbine-driven pump start-up

Process Unit Start-up

Session 1: Fired heater unit start-up

The first step in fired heater start up is refractory dry-out. In this regard, the instructor elaborates on what should be done beforehand the refractory dry-out and then focuses on refractory dry-out procedure and how it is carried out. Now, the speaker introduces purge and leak test which should be done before each start-up. He goes on and talks about its objectives, procedure, design notes and logic.

Then he will focus mainly on the followings:

1. Loop warm-up and operational notes

2. Burner sequence and operational notes

3. Natural Gas injection and operational notes

4. Normal Operation

Session 2: Distillation column start-up

In this session the instructor at first states what boil-up procedure is and how it should be done. Then he dedicates his time to elaborate on how process engineers or control room operators should proceed to put the tower in a state of total reflux. Then he explains how feed to the tower and reboiler duty should be increased in accord with each other in a gradual manner. Then he teaches how products could be taken and the work relation between process engineers and laboratory to get the best results.

Session 3: Hydro-desulfurization unit start-up

Session 4: Deaerator start-up

Session 5: Cooling water unit start-up

Session 6: Reforming unit start-up

1.The Process Units and Equipment Start-up course will be available in both online and offline modes to enthusiasts. By online mode, the enthusiasts can participate in online classes while by offline mode, the enthusiast can only watch offline videos after purchasing the package.

2.Notice that the enthusiasts who choose online mode will also receive offline package so that they can review what they have learned in online classes.

3.It is obvious that in both modes, the whole package including videos, documents, excelsheets will be provided.

The Process Units and Equipment Start-up will be introduced to engineering community in only one time-set.For each group maximum 25 registrations are allowed, aiming to keep the quality high.

Group A

Mondays at 17.00-19.30 Tehran Time from 12 February onwards. The course will end on 18 March 2024.

Duration: 15 hr.

We hope the selected time-set suits you most.

We make you proud.
