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Aspen Package

Throughout this comprehensive course you will learn different modules and equipment simulation based on numerous examples. This course is designed for process and chemical engineers who yearn to become professional. This course is in fact a package. The package includes the followings:

1. Aspen Hysys (Simulation and Safety Environment)

2. Aspen Plus

3. Aspen Flarenet

4. Aspen Energy Analyzer

5. Aspen Capital Cost Estimator

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Aspen Package


Aspen Hysys

Part 1: Introduction

Session 1: Introduction

Session 2: Fluid package selection

Session 3: Separator simulation

Part 2: Pressure Change Equipment Simulation

Session 4: Pumps simulation

Session 5: Compressor simulation

Session 6: Turbine simulation

Session 7: Line Sizing

Session 8: Control valve simulation

Part 3: Heat exchangers and Air coolers simulation

Session 9: Simple heater

Session 10: Shell and tube heat exchanger

Session 11: Air coolers

Part 4: Reactions and Reactors Simulation

Session 12: Conversion reactor simulation

Session 13: Equilibrium reactor simulation

Session 14: Gibbs reactor simulation

Session 15: PFR reactor simulation

Part 5: Distillation Column Simulation

Session 16: Distillation column using short-cut approach

Session 17: Distillation column using rigorous approach

Session 18: Absorber simulation


Aspen Plus

Session 1: Property Set-up in Aspen Plus+

Session 2: Binary Analysis in Aspen Plus+

Session 3: Pressure Change in Aspen Plus+

Session 4: Separation and Mixing in Aspen Plus+

Session 5: Heat Exchanger Design and Simulation in Aspen Plus+

Session 6: Distillation Column Design and Simulation in Aspen Plus+

Session 7: Utilities in Aspen Plus+

Session 8: Solid Process Modeling in Aspen Plus+

Session 9: Electrolytes System Simulation in Aspen Plus+

Session 10: Pharmaceutical Application Simulation in Aspen Plus


Session 1: Aspen Flarenet

Session 2: Aspen Energy Analyzer

Session 3: Aspen Capital Cost Estimator

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