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Detailed Engineering Design

The course focuses on detailed engineering and process datasheet development, providing a comprehensive understanding of designing and specifying process equipment. It covers the principles of process design, equipment specification, and the preparation of technical datasheets. A key aspect of the course is the use of advanced simulation tools, enabling accurate modeling and optimization of processes.

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Detailed Engineering Design

Part 1: Process Design Criteria

Session 1: Process design criteria

In this session you will learn the following subjects:

  1. Process Engineering work scope
  2. Project documents
  3. Standards used for each equipment
  4. Process design criteria
  5. Line sizing for both gas and liquid applications (Natural gas, pump suction, hydrodesulfurization reactor inlet and oxygen applications)
  6. Design pressure and temperature calculation for various applications
  7. Preparation of pump datasheet (calculation of rated flow, suction pressure, NPSHA, NPSHR, shutoff pressure and discharge head, performance efficiency)
  8. Compressor datasheet (rated flow, physical properties, start-up, safety consideration)
  9. Separator datasheet (diameter and height calculation, manhole and drain sizing criteria, vortex breaker, hold-up times)
  10. Flare (types and Mach number criteria)
  11. Control valve datasheet (selection criteria, material used, trim types (EQ, linear, quick-opening), CV versus opening. Noise criteria)

Session 2: Practices

In this session you will learn:

  1. First practice about line sizing for hydrodesulfurization reactor inlet and oxygen applications
  2. Design pressure and temperature calculation for oxygen services
  3. Flowmeter selection for cooling water unit, polishing unit, distillation unit, oxygen application, oily water, products at battery limit.
  4. Control Valve selection for different applications

Session 3: Project-1

You will learn the followings:

  1. Simulation of a part of process unit.
  2. Preparation and development of pump datasheet to a fully-fledged state by means of Aspen Hysys and Excel-sheet
  3. Preparation and development of valve datasheet to a fully-fledged state.

Part 2: Heat Exchanger Design  

Session 4: Horizontal Heat-Exchanger data-sheet development

A comprehensive instruction on TEMA and commercial software combined is given to size a shell and tube heat exchanger.

Session 5: Vertical Heat-Exchanger data-sheet development

In this session, more practices are given to empower learners when using commercial software.

Session 6: Air-Cooler data-sheet development

A comprehensive instruction on API and commercial software combined is given to size an air-cooled heat exchanger.

Part 3: PSV Sizing and Design

Session 7: PSV data-sheet development

You will learn the followings:

  1. Relief load calculation and orifice sizing for control valve failure scenario using Aspen Hysys + development of the data-sheet for the PSV
  2. Relief load calculation and orifice sizing for fire scenario using Aspen Hysys + development of the data-sheet for the PSV
  3. Relief load calculation and orifice sizing for tube rupture scenario using Aspen Hysys + development of the data-sheet for the PSV

Session 8: Tour on API-521

In this session, the instructor will try to expose process engineers to API-521, chapter 4, which is about overpressure causes and relief load guidelines stated in API-521.

Session 9: Tour on API-520

In this session, the instructor will try to expose process engineers to API-520, chapter 5, which is about orifice area calculation guidelines stated in API-520.

Part 4: Separators Design

Session 10: Sizing and Designing of Horizontal Separator

Session 11: Separator Sizing in Aspen Hysys

Session 12: Sizing and Designing of Vertical Separator with Mist Eliminator

Session 13: Sizing and Designing of Compressor Package Separator

Session 14: Knock-Out Drum Sizing

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